The Amusing Game of Kilkenny Cats Rules

How to Play The Amusing Game of Kilkenny Cats


The Amusing Game of Kilkenny Cats was invented in 19th century which combines both skill and luck. The game is played on a 14x14 board having a pair of extra squares added to each edge (called mice squares). The objective of the game is to be the first player to move two of his/her pieces from its starting lineup to its mice squares at the opposite end of the board. The game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players with each player starting with 8 pieces of a distinct color lined-up on its side of the board. The game is played with one die.


The first player is decided randomly. Players take turn to roll one die and move one of their pieces as per the following rules.

  • A piece can be moved in any of the eight directions by exact number of squares shown on the die.
  • A piece can not jump over another piece.
  • One square can not have more than one piece so a piece can not move to a square occupied by its own color.
  • A piece can move to a square occupied by the opponent piece in which case the opponent piece is removed from the game.
  • If no valid move is possible then the turn is lost.
  • The game is won by the player who is able to move two of its pieces to its mice squares.
  • If none of the players have 2 pieces left to occupy their mice squares, then the game ends in a draw.