Game of Goose Rules

How to Play Game of Goose


Game of Goose is a simple race game played on a spiral shaped board consisting of 63 squares. The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach to 63rd square in the board. The game can be played with one pair of dice and by up to 4 players each player having one distinct colored piece.


The first player is decided randomly. Players take turn to roll two dice and move their piece equal to sum of the two dice. All pieces are placed outside the board at the beginning. There are some specific squares and whenever player's piece land in those squares, it needs to follow rules as described below

  • Goose Square - Squares 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 50, 54, 56 have goose marking. If a piece lands on a goose square, it moves again by the same distance (sum of previously rolled two dice). If piece again lands on a goose square, then it again moves by same distance.
  • Bridge (6) - A piece landing here moves to square 12.
  • Hotel (19) - Player misses one turn after landing on this square.
  • Well (31) - Piece landing on this square must wait for another piece to land here before it can move further. The other piece then takes its place in the well.
  • Maze (42) - Go back to 39.
  • Prison (52) - Piece landing on this square must wait for another piece to land here before it can move further. The other piece then takes its place in the prison.
  • Death (58) - Return to square 1.

Since rolling a total of 9 in the first turn will lead player to the finish point, there is a special rule to avoid this. Rolling 6 and 3 in the first turn will lead to square 26 where as rolling 5 and 4 will lead to 53.

In order to win, a piece must land exatly on square 63. If a piece overshoots square 63 by extra distance, then it moves backwards from square 63 equal to extra distance. When moving backwards, if player lands on a goose or death square, then it moves backwards further by same distance as rolled dice value (for goose square) or to square 1 (for death square). The first player to land on 63rd square wins the game.